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  SAT TEST DATES 2019-20
TEST DATE                          REGISTER BY
August 25, 2019                       July 26, 2019

    October 5, 2019                        September 6, 2019

      November 2, 2019                       October 3, 2019

       December 7, 2019                     November 8, 2019

   March 14, 2020                     February 14, 2020

May 2, 2020                          April 3, 2020

June 6, 2020                            May 8, 2020



                 Subject tests are college admission exams on specific subjects.These are the only national admission tests

                 where you choose the tests that best showcase your strengths and interests. There are 20 SAT Subject Tests in five general                                                    subject areas: English, history, languages, mathematics and science. 


World History


Spanish with Listening


French with Listening

Chinese with Listening


German with Listening

Modern Hebrew


Japanese with Listening

Korean with Listening



Math Level 1

Math Level 2

Biology Ecology

Biology Molecular



U.S. History

1. SAT Subject Tests are generally given six times in any given school year,

    on the same days and in the same test centers as the SAT, but not all 20

    tests are offered on every SAT date

2. Each Subject Test is an hour long.

3. They are all multiple-choice and scored on a 200–800 scale.

4. Subject Tests test you on your knowledge of subjects on a high school level.

5. The best way to prepare is to take relevant courses and work hard in them.

6. There are study guides by available for each test.

7. You can take one, two, or three Subject Tests on any test date.

8. You can’t take the SAT and an SAT Subject Test on the same day.

9. Some SAT Subject Tests require you to bring special equipment — for                  example, CD players for Language with Listening tests.

​ is where you…


  • Register for SATs and SAT Subject Tests

  • Send your scores to colleges

  • Prepare for the SAT with free tests and individualized practice plans through the Khan Academy

  • Do preliminary college and career research


Ready to begin your
College Quest?
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